Tutorial 2

November 27, 2008

here we go for tutorial 2....

original picture

place the original into the work place

change car color
to change the color for the car, i select the area (do it in channels - create alpha channel)
using "alt" key to the channels that i already created and the area
that i want will be selected

when the area been selected, back to layer and i used "hue/ saturation" to change the color

change color for hair , bag and jeans

  • i create new layer in order to color these three things..
in the background layer i used either "Magic wand tools" or "Magnetic Lasso Tool" to select the area that i want to put the color

with the area still selected, back to the new layer that created before
i fill the color inside using "brush tool"



additional element

i wanna put this signboard in side the picture
using "Polygonal lasso tool" i eliminate the background

i put into the new layer. after satisfied with the arrangement, i blur it with Gaussian blur

and it become like this

this is the output

------------------- taadaa ^_*


umie nadra said...

wahh cantek rambut pompuan tu.hehehe :P