meaning of my symbols

July 23, 2008

Tree without leaves
Means: the loss of forests due to the global warming. The trunk without leave symbolize about deforestation because of revolution in developmental industry. Without trees the temperature in the atmosphere will increase.
Color: brown is the original color for the trunk.

Symbolize bout innovation and industrial progress nowadays. With all this industrial progress would end up changing the natural pattern of our climate.
Color: grey is the color of metal and its synonym to the factory.

World map
Represent the world and all the residents.
Color: light brown mix with yellow is the color for land of the earth.

The roots cover the heart and the map means this deforestation were not take place in certain area only but also all over the world.

Heart represent to all people that did not care about what they already done to the world. All the revolution and innovation progress came from human mind. The heartless people have to realize what they had done and become more aware about global warming.
Color: red is heart color